A Course in Grace and Magic

Exploring the Practical Embodiment of Christ Consciousness in Everyday Life

Welcome to Grace and Magic!

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Our lives are full of grace and magic. Not the kind of magic where we cast spells or use magic wands to control or change the life around us, but the graceful kind. The kind that is our most natural expression. The kind where everything we need and much more is just there when we need it. The kind where reality itself shifts to accommodate our needs.

Both of us have spent many years and many lifetimes gathering the experience and wisdom to allow this kind of magic and grace into human life, and in this ongoing course we’ll do our best to share what we have learned. Or more precisely, we’ll allow our souls to share, for only with the soul’s wisdom and participation can one enter into this space. There will also be messages from Yeshua (Jesus), Mary Magdalene, the Sacred Feminine, Merlin, the Christ Consciousness and others.

We ask you to pay something in exchange for the energies we have put into this course, but the amount is up to you. It is also on the honor system, and all of the lessons are available below.

Click Here to Make a Payment

We hope you enjoy this very special class!

Un Curso de Gracia y Magia

Explorando la Encarnación Práctica de la Conciencia de Cristo en la vida diaria

Welcome to Grace and Magic!

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Nuestras vidas están llenas de gracia y magia. No del tipo de magia donde lanzamos hechizos o usamos varitas mágicas para controlar o cambiar la vida a nuestro alrededor, sino el tipo de magia elegante. La que es nuestra expresión más natural. Del tipo en el que todo lo que necesitamos y mucho más, está ahí cuando lo necesitemos. Del tipo en el que la realidad misma cambia para acomodarse a nuestras necesidades.

Ambos, hemos pasado muchos años y muchas vidas reuniendo la experiencia y la sabiduría para permitir este tipo de magia y gracia en la vida humana; y en este curso haremos todo lo posible para compartir lo que hemos aprendido. O más precisamente, permitiremos que nuestras almas compartan, porque sólo con la sabiduría y participación del alma se puede entrar en este espacio. También habrá mensajes de Yeshua (Jesús), Mary Magdalene, el Sagrado Femenino, Merlín, y otros.

Te pedimos que pagues algo a cambio de las energías que hemos puesto en este curso, pero la cantidad depende de ti. También está en el sistema de honor, y todas las lecciones están disponibles a continuación.

Haga clic aquí para hacer un pago

¡Esperamos que disfrutes de esta clase muy especial!

Romana Ercegović • John McCurdy


If you have a question or comment about the course material, you may submit it here. If it is of general interest we may address it in an upcoming lesson, though we’ll always protect your privacy.


Introduction to A Course in Grace and Magic
A special message from Yeshua, and a welcome from Romana.
Lesson 1: The Nature of Grace and Magic
The return of The Christ, and the true nature of grace and magic.
Lesson 2: Allowing Simplicity
Allowing grace and magic into your life is as simple as lying back in the river and allowing it to carry you.
Lesson 3: Opening Beyond the Mind
The Christ, on how everything in life is simply a perspective, and how to open up beyond what your mind can perceive.
Lesson 4: The Grace of Forgiveness
A personal and vulnerable experience of opening to grace and joy.
Lesson 5: Open To the Magic
There is magic in everything, even the problems, if we can simply open up and allow it.
Lesson 6: The Grace of Love
A sensual experience of enlightening the body, with Mary Magdalene.
Lesson 7: The Christ Seed Blossoms!
A touching message from Yeshua about allowing the Christ seed, the seed of Grace and Magic, to blossom in our lives.
Lesson 8: Can I Trust My Divinity?
When things don't go as you expect, can you let go and trust the Divine Grace and Magic in that?
Lesson 9: Allowing Divine Healing
As you embody your divinity, you can travel across space and time to heal the wounds of your past and change your experience of the present.
Lesson 10: Your Divinity is Ready – Are You?
The human, by itself, cannot create grace and magic. But your divinity can. Are you ready to turn the controls of your life over to the whole you?
Lesson 11: Your Reality Bubble
Everything and everyone that you experience is your creation, and your own energy serving you. Here's how that works and why it matters.